
OO~ posted @ 2015年1月04日 09:29 in 存储编码 , 1509 阅读


1. 如同分析代码,只看输出的总体时间是难以优化的,关键是整个过程的不同阶段的耗时(注意二八定律);

2. 金融的本质是永远用你的钱,为比你更有钱的人服务。



3. 这些年,我发现学历跟人生快不快乐没有什么关系,重点是一个人的生活态度:能不能幽默的看待自己以及这个世界。





Meghalaya 11th Quest 说:
2022年8月16日 21:44

The Meghalaya Board of School Examinations (MBOSE) was established with the primary goal of advancing education in the state. It administers the H9th and the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (9th) exams. The main headquarters and regional offices of this board are located in Shillong, the state capital. The Meghalaya Board will release the MBOSE Class 11th test Question Paper 2023 in the month of May on the same official web portal site, according to the official announcement. Meghalaya 11th Question Paper 2023 The students who are seeking for the Meghalaya Board Important Question Paper 2023 of the 11th class may download it from the official web portal site, and we also offer the direct link to check your Meghalaya 11th class

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