
OO~ posted @ 2014年2月27日 19:30 in C/C++ && 算法 , 2694 阅读



  具体代码段如下(gcd 为最大公约数,lcm 为最小公倍数):

total = m * n;
while(n) {
    tmp = m % n;
    m = n;
    n = tmp;
gcd = m;
lcm = total / gcd;


gcd(int a, int b) {
    return b == 0? a: gcd(b, a % b);


假设 a % b = t,则 a = kb + t;我们可以知道 t 和 a、b 的最大公约数是一致的,因为 a = m(gcd), b = n(gcd),上述式子进一步可以表示为 m(gcd) = kn(gcd) + t,则 (m - kn)gcd = t。所以求解 a 和 b 的最大公约数之需要求 b 和 t 的最大公约即可,如此下去,最后当 t = 0 时,结束查找,即可找到两者的最大公约数;得证。


hustlijian 说:
2014年3月01日 18:53


Emma 说:
2023年1月22日 22:09

Finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) and least common multiple (LCM) of two numbers can be a tricky problem. Fortunately, there is an algorithm that can help us solve it more easily. The rolling and dividing method, also known as the cheap real diamond rings Euclidean algorithm, is a simple way to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers. With this algorithm, we do not have to factorize the numbers, making the calculation process much easier. To find the LCM, the GCD must be calculated first. With this method, it is much simpler to work through the problem and get the correct answer.

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