
OO~ posted @ 2013年10月29日 23:19 in 其他 , 1664 阅读


    图中上一个窗口为代码,下面窗口为其对应的输出。如果我们撇开各种变量的类型,其实在计算机中数值存在的状态就是 0 和 1,没有特殊的意义和体征,就如上面所述的两个无符号的 int 型变量相减,在计算机中运算时仍然满足先求补码然后再异或运算,最后的结果在计算机中仍就只是一串 01 字符,对这串字符我们可以说是无符号的 int 型?是负数?还是其他?

    其实我们设定的输出格式,就是为某一串 01 字符定义了体征,所以会有图中相应的输出。

    机器中的 01 字符本没有体征,只是我们人为去定义了,所以才有了所谓的 int,无符号 int 等等。同理,在整个浩瀚的宇宙,任何事物都是没有体征的,都是我们在自己的角度,用自己的心去定义了,所以才有了形形色色、不同特征的万物。例如当你看到一棵树,它真的是树么?只是我们将其称为树,在自己的脑海里潜移默化的定格下这样的概念:有叶子、有枝干、有根的物体就是树,所以当我们每次看到时就会无条件反射:那是一棵树。



boardmodelpaper.com 说:
2024年1月10日 13:56

The Board model paper" typically refers to a sample or model question paper that is designed by educational boards or institutions for various exams. These papers serve as practice material for students preparing for exams, providing them with an idea of the question format, difficulty level, and the type of content that may be covered in the actual examination. boardmodelpaper.com Model papers are usually created for specific subjects or courses. They cover a range of topics and chapters that students are expected to have studied during the academic term. Students often use these educational board model papers as an integral part of their exam preparation strategy, helping them familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and refine their understanding of the subject matter.

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