ubuntu12.04 安装openstack对象存储系统swift一系列问题

OO~ posted @ 2013年9月14日 09:56 in 分布式 , 3133 阅读


  swift安装的说明文档可以直接参考官方的SAIO-Swift all in one,直接按照步骤来。我出现问题的第一个地方是Getting the code,执行指令

sudo python setup.py develop

时,总是报出“TypeError: dist must be a Distribution instance”的错误。

  我按照网上好多说法,先是折腾着装了一个distribution的module,但是接着又报错不存在setuptools module,我检查自己的python版本,是python2.7.5,会不会是版本问题导致一些库不被包含(python版本确实存在争议)?为了证实自己的答案,又开始找降低python版本的方法,最后导致系统崩溃,只得重装系统(ps:到目前为止,还没找到一个比较好的降低python版本的方法,跪求大神指教)。


sudo pip install -U d2to1 python-swift

执行命令后,出现了问题“File"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/baseparser.py",line 5in <module

import pkg_resources importErrorno module named pkg_resources”。


sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

  然后再执行上述sudo pip...的命令,安装成功。





OO~ 说:
2013年9月14日 10:03

opentstack swift 路还很长,希望这方面的牛人都给些意见和建议

JDC Result rajshahi 说:
2022年9月02日 22:00

The Rajshahi Board is also completed the Junior School Certificate and Junior Dakil (Grade-8) terminal exams successfully under Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, and a huge number of students have appeared from all districts of Rajshahi Division, and those subject wise exams are completed between 1st to 3rd weeks at all schools across the country along with the divisional schools to the academic year of 2022. Both of JSC & JDC students are waiting to check their exam result with full marksheet in student wise to get total GPA grade for this year terminal exams, JDC Result rajshahi Grade 8th standard is the most important examination for secondary education in the country and this is gateway to secondary education in the country, and the school education department will announce student wise result with total marksheet online and this year also published same like as previous years.

seo service london 说:
2024年2月21日 21:07

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