latex与流程图 (pgf&tizk)

OO~ posted @ 2013年5月07日 08:45 in latex , 23189 阅读





\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.pathmorphing, backgrounds, positioning, fit, petri, automata}


\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=2.8cm,
  \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=yellow1,draw=none,text=black]

  \node[state] 	       (S) at (-6, 0)              {$S$};
  \node[state]         (xin1) at (-2, 3)           {$X^1_{in}$};
  \node[state]         (xin2) at (-2, 1)		{$X^2_{in}$};
  \node[state]         (xin3) at (-2, -1) 		{$X^3_{in}$};
  \node[state]         (xin4) at (-2, -3)       	{$X^4_{in}$};
  \node[state]         (xout1) at (0, 3)          {$X^1_{out}$};
  \node[state]         (xout2) at (0, 1) 		{$X^2_{out}$};
  \node[state]         (xout3) at (0, -1) 	{$X^3_{out}$};
  \node[state]         (xout4) at (0, -3)       	{$X^4_{out}$};
  \node[state]         (xin5)  at (3, -2) 	{$X^5_{in}$};
  \node[state]         (xout5) at (5, -2) 	{$X^5_{out}$};
  \node[state]         (DC) at (7, 2)       	{$DC$};

  \path (S) edge[bend left=26]              node {$\infty$} (xin1)
            edge[bend left=12]              node {$\infty$} (xin2)
            edge[bend right=12]             node {$\infty$} (xin3)
            edge[bend right=26]             node {$\infty$} (xin4)
        (xin1) edge  node {$\alpha=1$} (xout1)
        (xin2) edge  node {$\alpha=1$} (xout2)
        (xin3) edge  node {$\alpha=1$} (xout3)
        (xin4) edge  node {$\alpha=1$} (xout4)
        (xin5) edge  node {$1$} (xout5);
  \draw[->] (xout1) to[out=-30,in=150] node {$\beta$} (xin5);
  \draw[->] (xout2.east) to[out=-15,in=165] node [below] {$\beta$} (xin5);
  \draw[->] (xout3.east) to[out=0,in=180] node [below] {$\beta$} (xin5.west);
  \draw[->] (xout1) to[out=-5,in=175] node {$\infty$} (DC);
  \draw[->] (xout5) to[out=40, in=-120] node {$\infty$} (DC);



\draw[line width=2.5pt,red,-] (-1.7,-2.8)--(-0.3,-3.2);
\draw[line width=2.5pt,red,-] (-1.7,-3.2)--(-0.3,-2.8);

\draw[line width=2.5pt,red,dash pattern=on 6pt off 4pt on 2pt off 4pt,-] (-1,3.8)--(-1,2.5);
\draw[line width=2.5pt,red,dash pattern=on 6pt off 4pt on 2pt off 4pt,-] (-1,2.5) to[out=-10,in=170] (1.2,1.2);
\draw[line width=2.5pt,red,dash pattern=on 6pt off 4pt on 2pt off 4pt,-] (1.2,1.2) to[out=-100,in=80] (0.8,-1.9);


OO~ 说:
2013年5月07日 08:48


my wgu 说:
2022年8月26日 10:24

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